Thursday, January 11, 2007

"...and then I found her, my mistress of the sea. "


Something that I learned from Chicago (Part 2)

Penguins are disgusting creatures.
They may be very cute, but they are equally covered in each other's poo.

We named that Penguin Dave, and he evaded every chance to be clean that he got.
One of the keepers even went into the chamber and was cleaning some of the rocks with a hose, and he kept away from her.
He never got sprayed.
He never jumped in the water.
He was content to walk about with one of his brethren's waste on his back.

Perhaps he didn't know.
But still. He's a penguin.
Maybe he's a penguin that doesn't know how to swim. He live there because he would die in the wild. You know, if you are willing to be covered in poo, willingly, for long periods of time, maybe you deserve to die in the wild.
But that might just be me.

I like jellyfish much better, actually.
They are like little water dancers.
Made of some kind of stingy mucus....

When I was a child I wanted to be a Marine Biologist.
or a zoologist.
I was animal-crazy, and loved sea-creatures and ship wreckage.
I loved sharks.
But my fear of open water, mean that it was never to be....
I loved space too, but I'm not smart enough for that, nor does being a scientist really hold super well in my mind.
Maybe Marine Biology still tho.
The mysteries of the deep still make me smile.
Glow in the dark fish and giant squids fighting sperm whales...
all those things still make me feel excited in the pit of my stomach.

not so much.


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